Redmond Kiwanis Special Ball Caps Are Here!
Service Lead, David Juarez, sporting the new Kiwanis Redmond cap
The Club responded to several members' interest in having identifiable baseball caps when out and about. So here we are with these super-cool looking caps with “Kiwanis Redmond” on them. Available for $21 each.
These custom made hats will be available to purchase online and available with Sue Stewart during our regular meetings this month. You can pay her cash or pay online with a small credit card fee.
Feb 2nd - regular breakfast meeting at Family Pancake House, 7 AM
Feb 9th - regular breakfast meeting with GUEST: Paul J Del Guidice - "Lil' Bit Therapeutic Riding Center" at Family Pancake House, 7 AM
Feb 23rd - Board Mtg for the Foundation
Hurry and order yours now! Ron already got his!